I’m Nicole! I took my first yoga class about 20 years ago and I vividly remember two things: I absolutely detested downward facing dog and I really loved the nap at the end. While my relationship with Adho mukha svanasana has certainly improved, Savasana is still one of my favorite poses! Ten years into my sporadic yoga journey I finally found my groove and began practicing regularly. Yoga completely changed my life. My awareness began to expand, my intuition grew stronger, and my life became filled with more joy and less stress. I began sharing my passion with others in 2014 when I started teaching yoga, pranayama, and meditation. Teaching is a true passion that I thoroughly enjoy sharing with others.
My love for adventure began at an early age by exploring New England, camping, and hiking with my family. After working and saving for a school art trip to Italy in high school, I realized that money spent on travel is an investment well made! Since then I have journeyed to over 15 countries on three continents including spending two months motorbiking in Southeast Asia.
I spend my time at home in Rhode Island caring for my lively and hilarious 3 year old son, Lennox, tending to my many houseplants and overgrown gardens, and enjoying life outdoors in the coastal countryside with friends and family.
My current yoga teaching schedule includes teaching mindful and intuitive yoga at Be Light Yoga Center (formally Studio on 6) in Westport MA and the Little Compton Wellness Center in Little Compton RI. In my classes there are no expectations and no judgments. I hold space for you to strengthen your intuition, spirit, mind, and body by practicing your yoga.
I also host workshops on balancing and healing your chakras, pranayama, herbalism, local plants and medicines, and general wellness practices for the whole person and the whole planet.
I look forward to learning with you on the yogic path!