Wild Heart Herb House
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cosmic earth collective monthly membership

Learn how to deeply connect with all parts of the living world within and around you through herbalism, meditation, and yoga.

Experience more joy and less stress in your life and in the lives of those you love!

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There’s a reason why you don’t plant your herb + vegetable garden in a swamp or the shade or the sand; it won’t be able to successfully grow there. Those are not the ideal conditions for roots to grow, for seedlings to sprout, for fruit to ripen.

The same goes for your life. If it doesn’t have the proper foundational support, regular nourishment + care, or community to support it, it simply won’t thrive the way that you desire.

This is why I am so pleased to invite you to join the newly rejuvenated Cosmic Earth Collective!

We are a robust + vibrant community of like-hearted individuals who come together to support one another, share our experiences, and collaborate for a happier and healthier place for us ALL to live + thrive!

Life the past few years has been anything but easy. We have experienced so much illness, disruption, and unease. It is really taking a toll on how we relate + connect to ourselves and each other. But its not too late to repair these bonds and to make them stronger than ever!

Cosmic Earth Collective is my contribution to this effort. I want to share with you everything I know and have learned over the past 15 years as a seeker of joy + wellbeing as well as a yoga teacher, community herbalist, and self care mentor about keeping your mind and your body and your spirit strong and resilient for whatever comes next.

So without further delay…


welcome to the cosmic earth collective!

Monthly LIVE IN PERSON + ONLINE herbalism workshops, yoga classes, moon circles, and self care community gatherings


An ONLINE LIBRARY of pre-recorded holistic wellness classes to support you in caring for your body, mind, emotions, and spirit


SEASONAL GUIDANCE + SUPPORT through emails, compassionate curriculum suggestions, and connection practices


 Cosmic Earth Collective is your pathway towards living a deeply fulfilling + energized life in an overwhelming and ever changing world!

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in person classes

When you join Cosmic Earth Collective you can attend any of my monthly in person classes + gathering for FREE!

This includes my Home Herbalism + Medicine Making Series in New Bedford, MA AND Second Sunday Plant Walks in Tiverton, RI!

You also get first access to sign up for these often sold out classes.

online gatherings

Your membership allows you to attend every single online class and workshop that I host for FREE!

This includes weekly Gentle Yoga Wednesday mornings AND all evening classes like Moon Circles, Exploring Pleasure Workshop, and Finding the Time Class where you will learn my techniques for finding extra HOURS each week!

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seasonal support

Every month you will receive an email listing that month’s live classes, links to sign up for in person classes, and an optional seasonally inspired curriculum for the month utilizing pre-recorded videos in the library.

You will also receive special seasonal discounted rates for working with me 1:1 in you think additional guidance would be helpful.

online video library

I have been building this online library for FOUR YEARS and it includes over 100 videos!

The library holds guided meditations, chakra focused yoga classes, and connection practices along with wholistic wellness workshops including recordings of past classes like a Sound Healing Meditation and Cacao Ceremony!

 Here’s what’s happening in the Cosmic Earth Collective:

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March 2023 / Savoring the last bits of winter as we begin to welcome in spring!

  • Full Moon Circle Online Gathering where we will energize each other’s intentions for letting go that which is holding us back on Wednesday evening March 8 at 7:00 pm est

  • Home Herbalism + Medicine Making Series: Introduction to Herbalism for Wellbeing Online + In Person Workshop at Co-Creative Center in New Bedford, MA on Sunday March 19 from 10am-12pm est


April 2023 / Being patient as we wallow in the mud + rain, trusting that our gardens will grow.

  • Second Sunday Plant Walk at Weetamoo Woods in Tiverton, RI where we will locate + identify early spring medicinal herbs on Sunday April 9 at 10am est

  • New Moon Circle with Candle Magic Online Gathering where we will cast spells to bring joy + abundance into our lives on Wednesday evening April 19 at 7:00 pm est

  • Home Herbalism + Medicine Making Series: Nourishing Tonic Herbal Infusions Online + In Person Workshop at Co-Creative Center in New Bedford, MA on Sunday April 30 from 10am-12pm est

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May 2023 / Honoring a more colorful landscape + the first spring blooms!

  • Second Sunday Plant Walk at Weetamoo Woods in Tiverton, RI where we will locate + identify spring medicinal herbs on Sunday May 14 at 10am est

  • Finding the Time Online Gathering where I will show you the process + techniques that I use to manage my time on Wednesday evening May 17 at 7:00 pm est

  • Home Herbalism + Medicine Making Series: Growing + Wild Foraging Medicinal Herbs Online + In Person Workshop at Co-Creative Center in New Bedford, MA on Sunday May 28 from 10am-12pm est


June 2023 / Welcoming in the first signs of summer!

  • Second Sunday Plant Walk at Weetamoo Woods in Tiverton, RI where we will locate + identify late spring medicinal herbs on Sunday June 11 at 10am est

  • Ways of relating : Being Queer + Poly Online Gathering where will celebrate Pride Month by exploring being our authentic selves through embracing unconventional lifestyles on Wednesday evening June 14 at 7:00 pm est

  • Home Herbalism + Medicine Making Series: Herbal Body Oils + Salve Online + In Person Workshop at Co-Creative Center in New Bedford, MA on Sunday June 25 from 10am-12pm est

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July 2023 / Celebrating the sun + abundance of summertime!

  • Second Sunday Plant Walk Location TBD where we will locate + identify summer medicinal herbs on Sunday July 9 at 10am est

  • New Moon Circle Online Gathering where we will energize each other’s intentions for bringing light + abundance into our lives Wednesday evening July 19 at 7:00 pm est

  • Home Herbalism + Medicine Making Series: Herbal Tinctures + Extractions Online + In Person Workshop at Co-Creative Center in New Bedford, MA on Sunday July 23 from 10am-12pm est


August 2023 / Trying to stay cool + hydrated.

  • Second Sunday Plant Walk at Location TBD where we will locate + identify summer medicinal herbs on Sunday August 13 at 10am est

  • Radical Self Care Community Circle Online Gathering where we will take the time to cool off + honor our bodies on Wednesday evening August 9 at 7:00 pm est

  • Home Herbalism + Medicine Making Series: Herbal Remedies - Poultices, Syrups, and Steam Online + In Person Workshop at Co-Creative Center in New Bedford, MA on Sunday August 20 from 10am-12pm est

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To recap, here is everything included in your monthly membership to Cosmic Earth Collective for $55 a month:

  • Home Herbalism + Medicine Making Series where you will learn everything you need to know to make potent plant medicine for yourself + your family. IN PERSON at Co-Creative Center in New Bedford, MA or ONLINE

  • Second Sunday Plant Walks in Tiverton, RI and various other places in the Southcoast of RI + MA to learn how to identify local medicinal herbs

  • First access to sign up for these and other in person classes

  • Monthly Online Gatherings + Workshops on Wednesday evenings including Moon Circles, Self Care Community Gatherings, and Finding the Time workshop

  • Live Online Gentle Yoga Wednesday mornings 8:45-10 am est, recordings uploaded to library

  • Meditation Den - 15 Pre-recorded Guided Meditations that are available to you anytime including Relax + Restore Guided Meditation and Igniting Your Personal Power Center

  • Yoga Shala - 14 Pre-Recorded 15-45 minute Themed Yoga Classes that are available to you anytime including 15 minutes of Yoga for Your Back and Grounding + Aligning to Earth’s Energy

  • From the Vault - 10 Recorded Live Holistic Wellness Classes from the Collective over the years like Sound Healing with Andrea DeVeau and Introduction to your Chakras + Guided Chakra Meditation

  • Connection Practices - 12 Pre-Recorded short videos offering suggestions for ways on increasing connection in your life like Creating Daily Rituals and Assembling a Home Abundance Alter

  • Herbalism Workshops + Herbal Glossary PDF’s - 20 Pre-recorded herbalism workshops that are available to you anytime including Herbs for Winter Wellness and Herbalism for your Nervous System

  • Seasonal Guidance + Support through monthly emails, compassionate curriculum suggestions, and connection practices

meet your guide

Hi! I’m Nico Lebreux

I’m a community herbalist, yoga teacher, meditation guide, self care mentor, and retreat leader who lives in coastal Rhode Island on sovereign Wampanoag land.

I specialize in teaching people how to deeply connect with their multidimensional selves and the living world within + around them through simple everyday techniques that are available to all.

In my offerings there are no expectations and no judgments. I will holds space for you to strengthen your intuition, commune with the earth, and connect with source energy whatever that looks like and feels like for you.

Cosmic Earth Collective has been a joy to facilitate over the past 4 years (the collective began in 2019!) and I have learned so much along the way. I am so excited to continue supporting this community by offering experiential in person classes and perspective shifting online workshops. Let’s continue to collaborate and work together to make a more loving and supportive planet for us all!

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