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Learn how to more deeply connect with all parts of the living world within + around you.

Cosmic Earth Collective is a vibrant online monthly membership that features plant medicine, meditation, and yoga practices that will deepen your connection to all parts of your self, your intuition, and your relationship to Earth + Source.

Through embodied movement, creative play, celestial journeys, and whole plant herbalism workshops, you will offer all parts of yourself the love + care you need. Spirit, Mind, Emotions, and Body.

Along with informative and easy to integrate video + written content, Cosmic Earth Collective also includes a weekly LIVE online 75 minute gentle yoga + meditation practice Wednesday mornings from 8:45 - 10:00 am eastern time. Class recorded if you are unable attend live.

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Cosmic Earth Collective is filled with simple, yet profound things you can do right now to start feeling better + living a life more fully aligned.

  • LIVE Online Gentle Yoga Class every week on Wednesday morning from 8:45 - 10:00 am eastern time

  • Plant Medicine Workshops to give you the know how and confidence to start making holistic medicine for yourself and your family

  • Guided Meditations to explore the farthest reaches of your spirit and the deepest depths of your bones

  • Yoga Asana Practices to inquire into self awareness and embody your expansion

  • Live Ceremonial Gatherings to support one another and co-create a healing space for all (beginning

  • Connection Practices to bring you into deeper union with the living world all around you

  • Lots of bonus materials such as a Sound Healing Workshop + Cacao Ceremony

  • Access to all content including everything listed above for as long as you are a member

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Gentle Yoga brings you into deeper union with yourself by allowing release + expansion in your physical body, the current home of your infinite self.

  • Gentle Yoga Opening + Closing Sequences

  • Grounding + Aligning to Earth’s Energies

  • Restorative Yoga for Rest + Relaxation

  • Jungle Yoga in Guatemala

  • Live Online Gentle Yoga Classes

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Guided meditations available to you always! Tune in whenever you need rest, inspiration, grounding, or centering. Listen right now to:

  • Introduction to Breath Awareness Meditation

  • Guided Meditation to Relax + Restore

  • Body Awareness + Messages In Your Bones

  • Finding Your Central Anchor Point

  • Cultivating Stillness Guided Meditation



The plant world is always here to support you! Already uploaded and ready to watch herbalism workshops include:

  • Introduction to Whole Plant Medicine

  • Fire Cider + Your Immunity

  • Herbs for Winter Wellness

  • Plant Medicine for Your Nervous System

  • Nourishing Tonic Herbal Infusions



I believe in your capability and capacity for self healing, to becoming self aware, and to loving all parts of yourself.

I believe that the more deeply rooted you are in your own true authentic expression of self, the more you can offer others and contribute to the healing of all people and the planet.

I believe that just by being yourself, you make the world a better place.



Hi, I’m Nico! I’m a yoga teacher, meditation guide, and whole plant herbalist. I’ve been exploring along my healing path for over 15 years and have learned a lot along the way. The awakening process has completely changed my life. My awareness continues to expand, my intuition grows stronger, and my life is filled with more joy and less stress.

My love for the outdoors began at an early age by exploring my backyard, the coastline, and the woods with my family. Plants have always been a big part of life including a pretty significant houseplant collection and evolving to a deep fascination and connection with the wild plants that grow around me.

I spend my time at home in Rhode Island, on sovereign Wampanoag land, taking care of my lively and hilarious 6 year old son Lennox, tending to my overgrown gardens, and enjoying life outdoors in the coastal countryside with friends and family.

In all of my offerings there are no expectations and no judgments. I hold space for you to strengthen your intuition, commune with the earth, and connect with Source Energy. Whatever that looks like and feels like for you.

The light and the shadow in me honors the light and the shadow in you.

THE INVESTMENT to join Cosmic Earth Collective is only $55 a month!

Weekly live online gentle yoga classes, Guided meditations, Herbalism workshops, and lots more are all available to you.

Join right now to have immediate access to over 180 informative + inspiring videos!

No commitment required, you can cancel your membership anytime.

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Nicole is a teacher, a nourisher, a sharer. She goes out of her way to make connections with each individual student. She creates an environment where she offers us everything & encourages us to take exactly what we need, to move freely and do only what we feel called to do, free of judgment. What I love about Nicole’s classes is that they’re more than just yoga. It’s more than improving strength and flexibility. It’s more than just unwinding at the end of the day. It is bigger than that. It is a deeper connection to ourselves and each other. It’s freedom & acceptance to be who we are in that moment both collectively & singularly.
— Jenn from Massachusetts
Nicole’s passion and compassion for people, her commitment to community and to making the world a better place are infectious! She is perceptive and empathetic. One always leaves any of her classes richer in knowledge and awareness. She has taught me how important it is to care for myself, to be present and mindful.
Nicole has instilled in me a love for yoga and a new found love for myself and compassion for those around me, improving my everyday life and relationships. This new practice has changed my life!
— Kathy from Massachusetts
I’ve been practicing yoga and taking herbalism classes with Nicole for over 2 years. It has been a wonderful experience! She has showed me how to heal my body and mind. Nicole has taught me skills to deal with my stress and put my mind at peace. I will be forever grateful for her support and friendship.
— MaryAnne from Massachusetts
I find Nicole to be a very natural, authentic and inspirational teacher. She has a kind and calming presence and creates a welcoming safe space for all of us to share experiences and practice yoga together. I enjoy learning and practicing with Nicole and look forward to her future class offerings!
— Kristin from Rhode Island
Nicole has been a huge support in my spiritual and plant medicine journeys. I’ve gone to many of her workshops and classes and one that sticks out for me was an herbal infusion workshop she led. This workshop opened my eyes to the ease of daily herbal infusions and how I can gather many of these plants in my own backyard. I learned so much about how different herbs can positively impact my health. She takes the guess work out and encourages everyone to follow their intuition when working with plants and consuming them. She’s captivating and relatable on so many levels, I’m excited to continue this journey with her!
— Keri from Massachusetts