Wild Heart Herb House
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TIME: Three part online mini course

Spend more time doing the things you want to do and less time doing the things you don’t.


Do you wish you had more time?

Time is a familiar yet complex entity that we interact with every day here on planet earth.

But you probably feel as though time is moving really fast, pulling you along from one day, week, month, year to the next until you question where did all my time go?

You barely have time to accomplish the things you have to do, never mind the things you want to do.

I know you have dreams for your life + your time but you just can’t quite figure out how to make it work.

Things like spending time with friends + loved ones, picking up a new skill or hobby like painting or learning Spanish, making more money in your biz or side hustle, or just having some down time for reading, relaxing, and self care.

Finding more time in your day is possible!


Imagine having an extra 30 minutes a day or 3 additional hours a week to do whatever you wanted to…


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Introducing: finding the time mini course!

A three class series that will give you the tools, techniques, and support you need to mindfully discover more time every day to do the things you want to do and have been meaning to do forever.


The time is there, you just need to learn how to find + prioritize it!

This involves:

Self Awareness - How are you currently spending your time?

Boundaries + Delegation - What things are you doing that you don’t have to or someone else can do?

Setting Intention - What are you going to actively choose to do with your time?

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In this 3 part online mini course you will:

  • Conduct a time audit to see where your time is currently going + reflect on your observations.

  • Set clear + focused intentions of how you are going to spend your time and who you are going to spend it with.

  • Prioritize the things that are absolutely necessary AND the things that are aligned with your intentions.

  • Practice taking action by implementing your new schedule, being patient and kind with yourself as you experiment, observe, and refine.

  • Create rhythms, rituals, and routines that support you + your new relationship with time.


We will meet

on three Wednesday evenings from 7-8pm est

May 17, May 31, and June 21

live online via zoom with recordings

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meet your guide

Hi! I’m Nico Lebreux she/they

I’m a community herbalist, yoga teacher, meditation guide, self care advocate, and earth centered entrepreneur who lives in coastal Rhode Island on sovereign Wampanoag land.

I specialize in teaching people how to deeply connect with their multidimensional selves and the living world within + around them through simple everyday techniques that are available to all.

So what does this course have to do with herbalism or self care?

One of the biggest barriers that I see in my students and clients is that they just don’t have the time to do the beneficial things that they want to do to improve how they feel in their body, mind, emotions, and spirit like meditating, stretching, or drinking herbal infusions.

Learning how to collaborate with time to nourish + support you IS possible for everyone!

These are skills that I use in my life every day and refresh every 6 months or so for when I slide off track. I want to teach them to you so you never again feel like time is always one step ahead of you and you are rushing to catch up.

Make time your friend + your companion, working together to spend the precious hours of your life engaging with the people and doing the things that bring you joy + contentment!

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Here is everything included when you sign up for Finding the Time:

  • 3 Live Online Classes with recordings where you will learn everything you need to know to find time every day

  • Time Tracking Spreadsheet so you can figure out exactly where your time is going and how to best utilize it

  • Worksheets + Journal Prompts to guide you through this transformative process

  • Private Online Community to hold yourself accountable and support others in the group

  • Email support from me during the length of the program to work through any obstacles

  • BONUS! 5 Pre-recorded Guided Meditations that are available to you anytime including Relax + Restore Guided Meditation and Igniting Your Personal Power Center

  • BONUS! 5 Pre-Recorded 15-45 minute Themed Yoga Classes that are available to you anytime including 15 minutes of Yoga for Your Back and Grounding + Aligning to Earth’s Energy

The price of this program is $95 until May 10 and includes everything listed above!

Pay in full $95 or $47.50 a month for 2 months

This program is also FREE for Cosmic Earth Collective Members!


Weather you are a busy mom with limited free time, an entrepreneur who needs support organizing or managing your time, or if you just want more time in your schedule to do the things you want to do like exercising, creating art, meditating, learning something new, or spending time with friends + loved ones, this program is for you!

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