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Step 1: Click here to join my online community, find free resources, and be in the know about all of my offerings.

Step 2: Watch the video below and jot down everything you don’t want to forget.


Step 3: Answer as many or as few of the below journal prompts as you would like. While it may be most beneficial to write them down, you can also audio record your answers on a voice memo app, or simply answer the questions to yourself in your mind.

  • Where are you feeling disconnection in your life? Disconnection from your body? From source energy? From the Earth? From your community?

  • What’s an activity that you loved to do as a child? Can you incorporate this into your life again?

  • What can you do today to help you sleep better tonight?

  • What food feels the best in your mind before you eat it? What food feels the best in your body after you eat it?

  • What part(s) of your physical body would feel better if you moved them or adjusted your everyday posture?

  • What’s preventing you from keeping a daily meditation practice?

  • What are your favorite ways to practice self care? What’s one you’d like to do more often?

  • What plants have you been noticing around you lately?

  • What two foundations of wellbeing would you like to focus on this week?


Step 4: Home Practice Assignments! Choose one or two that really resonate with you and complete them by the end of the week.

  • Send someone that you admire a message telling them how grateful you are for their presence in your life. This can be someone you know or someone you don’t.

  • Take a slow walk around your backyard or nearby public outdoor space. Take the time to notice all the different kinds of plants that are growing here. Choose a plant that is particularly intriguing, for whatever reason, and learn more about it. You can talk to it, ask it questions, look it up online or in a plant identification book. Can’t figure out what it is? Send me a photo and I will do my best to identify it!

  • Write down everything you eat for 3-7 days, I know I know, I don’t like doing this either but it can really help you see patterns in your diet for when you’re ready to make adjustments.

  • Meditate for 2-10 minutes everyday for the next 5 days and see how you feel!

  • What’s a class you’ve been attempting to get to? An activity you’ve been trying to get involved in? A friend you’ve been meaning to have lunch with? Make space in your schedule to do it in the next 7 days.


Step 5: Post anything and everything that you’d like to share on instagram and use the hashtag #cosmicearthcollective I’d love to know what you learned from this mini course!

Desiring to start making plant medine at home? Click here for your free essential supplies guide!

Thank you so much for your participation and for taking the time to care for yourself! We are all in this together and I look forward to supporting you on your path!