Wild Heart Herb House
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you have the power to live the life that you dream of living

In fact, it’s waiting for you to create space for its existence + to claim it!

The more deeply rooted you are in your own true authentic expression of self, the more you can care for all parts of your being + contribute to the nourishing of all people and the planet.

Just by being yourself you make the world a better place.

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Your transformation has already begun.

Maybe it started as a child when you began to notice that you weren’t quite like everyone else. Other people didn’t notice the things that you did or share the concerns that you have about how things are in the world.

Maybe it began during covid when you were quarantined in your home, questioning everything and wondering how you got here.

You know that things aren't in balance, not even close. You can see it all around you.

But what can you do? You’re just one person and you can’t take care of the whole world.

But you can take care of yourself.

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Imagine for a moment how it would feel to:

  • wake up excited + energized to start the day

  • be focused and inspired instead of stressed and overwhelmed

  • have calm + kind voices in your head encouraging you + saying that you are capable of doing anything

  • have the time to do the things you want to do

  • not give two fucks about what other people think about you

  • release all guilt + shame around not being enough or doing things the “right” way

  • replace self doubt with confidence to say the things that need to be said + take the action that needs to be taken

  • trust your intuition + be connected to the deepest parts of yourself

  • have more energy and know how to resource more when you’re feeling low

  • be comfortable trying new things + making mistakes

  • know that you are living your best life making heart led decisions all day long

  • feel happy, content, and satisfied every night before soundly falling asleep

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 “Before working with Nico I felt lost, desperate for a grounding experience, I needed help and support. Now, I feel empowered. I was reminded that I have the strength and resources within and around me to take care of myself and to be the best version of myself. Before I was treading water, but now I feel like I have somewhere to stand." - Corinne, holistic therapist


Introducing the Radical self care mentorship

1:1 online OR in person wholistic coaching sessions to address and work through whatever is blocking your path towards being your most authentic self


a personalized online course of herbalism workshops, guided meditations, and yoga practices to embody your energetic, emotional, and intellectual expansion


I’ll hold the space for + provide the tools and techniques necessary for you to bloom into whoever you dream of becoming (all the while knowing that you are a complete, perfect + whole being exactly as you are right now.)

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1:1 support

You will have my loving support as we explore all aspects of your being together

I will hold space for you to feel all your feelings + think all your thoughts

Learn to reduce + dismantle self sabotaging habits and live in deep alignment with your soul’s purpose

No judgement or condescension EVER

plant medicine

Support and nourish your nervous system so you feel less stressed + overwhelmed and more focused + energized

Learn how to make + enjoy:

Nourishing Tonic Herbal Infusions

Herbal Body Oils

Smoke Medicine Rituals

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guided meditations

Develop a deeper connection to source energy, opening doors of inspiration

Clear away conditioned self limiting beliefs that hold you back and keep you stuck

Increase your confidence + connect to your personal power center

Communicate with and learn from your intuition, your body, and plant allies

intuitive movement

Root deeply in the earth to strengthen your foundation and purpose

Sync to the cycles of the seasons, the phases of the moon, and the ebb + flow of life happening all around you

Release through your body that which no longer serves you

Find your boundaries + express them to others

You have infinite power, infinite connection to source + earth, infinite opportunities to live your dream life. You only need to learn how to tap into the energy that flows within + around you to access it.

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Oh hi, I’m Nico! she/they

I am a community herbalist, yoga teacher, meditation guide, radical self care mentor, and earth centered entrepreneur along with being a mom to my 6 year old son Lennox, community member, friend, lover, and recent ex-wife.

I know what it feels like to be depressed, anxious, unmotivated, lost, not sure what to do next. I have been there, time and time again.

  • I spent my teen years feeling like a trapped animal, lashing out, unaware of the societal cage that I was in. Rebelling against everything + everyone.

  • My 20’s were full of self discovery, trying things out, failing and getting back up again. Starting to figure out who I was + what I was here for.

  • And now in my 30’s I have been faced with more challenges than I ever have before. Allowing me to ask the big questions + choose my own answers.

Major life events of the past two years (global pandemic, time in the hospital with my son, getting divorced, selling my home, deaths of loved ones) have made me rethink everything about how I want my life to be and have inspired me to take aligned action towards how I deeply desire to live my life.

It has been a time of radical transformation + deep healing that has ultimately allowed me to confidently love + accept myself exactly how I am without feeling guilt, fear, or shame from other people + the world around me.

I have learned how to deeply connect to and trust my intuition as my true guide leading me along life’s journey. I have learned how to love + care for my unique radical self, offering my spirit, mind, and body everything that they need to live + THRIVE.


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The Radical Self Care Mentorship is a 7 week program that includes:

  • Three 60 minute bi-weekly one on one coaching + empowerment sessions with Nicole via video chat on Zoom OR in person for those living near Tiverton, Rhode Island

  • a personalized online course of wellness practices including plant medicine workshops, guided meditations, yoga practices + more

  • homework to practice + embody the lessons of the week

  • clear guidance + support as you step into your full power

  • accountability to do the things that need get done

  • Bonus! Live weekly online or in person gentle yoga classes

investment: $795

Pay in full or 3 payments of $265


radical self care is your path to liberation!

Taking care of all parts of yourself in a deep multidimensional way is the most radical + revolutionary thing you can do to change yourself, your family, and the entire world around you.


A note about what’s keeping you stuck…

First, know that the things that hold you back + make you doubt yourself ARE NOT YOUR FAULT, but you can get them out of your way!

They are the result of hundreds of years of oppression towards women, BIPOC, disabled folks, queer + non-binary humans. It totally sucks that it’s this way and you can clearly see the harm that our colonial, capitalist, patriarchal, white supremacist, cis/heteronormative culture inflicts all around you. It’s literally fucked everything up.

But making a change is 100% in your control.

  • You can begin to observe how these oppressive systems are deeply ingrained within ourselves, our families, and our society + compassionately make the choice to think + act differently.

  • You can take back your time from hustle/busy/productivity culture + lean into rest and self care instead.

  • You can love yourself + your body by being unapologeticaly authentic in who we really are and what you look like by welcoming in the joy + pleasure that we all deserve.

  • You can make everyday decisions that lead to more peace, more nourishment, more love, and more support for ourselves, the earth, and eachother.

  • You can step into your own sovereign power and be the person that you know deep down you can be (and that you already are!)


You can set the intention, create the space, and take the actions necessary to live more in alignment with your goals + values.

It takes self awareness, curiousity, a little know how, strategies, tools and loving supportive people to walk the path with you.

I am here for you! You don’t have to do any of this alone.

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What Radical Self Care is:

  • observing and inquiring into your judgements + biases

  • taking full responsibility for your thoughts, words, and actions

  • embracing + honoring all parts of yourself, including your shadow side

  • knowing that you already have within you everything you’ll ever need

embracing your inherent power

What Radical Self Care is not:

  • ignoring your culturally conditioned bias or thinking you don’t have them

  • blaming other people for your problems

  • only focusing on being “positive” + “love and light”

  • looking externally for all the answers (shopping, food, alcohol, other people)

giving your power away to others