Thank you so much for leading an event at Wild Heart Herb House, we’re so happy to have you!

In order for your event to be successful and to have the weeks leading up to it run smoothly, I have put together this page to give you all of the information that you need to know. If you have any further questions please feel free to email Michele at We will update this sheet as needed. Please read all info carefully!

Once we pick a date and a time for your event, you’re in! Now its time to make a flyer, set up how you’re going to receive payment, and start spreading the word to your community.


If you are charging for your class, it is up to you to receive payment for your event. If you already have these systems set up, great! If you do not, you have a couple of options:

  • Venmo - you can have attendees Venmo you to reserve their spot. Make sure you put this on your flyer and I also recommend offering an “email me to sign up” option if people don’t have venmo. Pro- free for you, Con- might deter people from signing up cause its one more step to take instead of a simple “click here to sign up” link that will lead them to a payment page. Also they might not have venmo.

  • Stripe - this is an online credit card processor that many people use for e-commerce. I have been using it for years and haven’t had any issues. You can set up landing pages in Stripe for free, they will take the standard credit card processing fee of around 3% (this means for every $100 you receive payment for, they will take $3) Pro- super easy link that people will be able to click + purchase, you can have sliding scale payments, money deposited right into your bank account, Con - they take 3%. To set this up, create an account on, connect your bank, and set up a Payment Link.

  • I don’t recommend sites like Eventbrite because they take around 6-7% and you just don’t need to use them if you use Stripe.

  • Cash / Check - you can accept cash and checks day of, this can be an easy option. Pro - easy, no tech, no banks, no paper trail. Con - people are more likely to show up if they pay ahead of time.

Even if your event is free, I recommend having people rsvp so that way you know how many to expect. Also a great way to collet emails to add to your community list! This might not be an issue for social events like music or poetry nights. We haven’t had to turn anyone away due to being at capacity, YET anyways!

75% of ticket sales are all yours, 25% will go to Wild Heart (unless we have another agreement). You can pay me in cash, check, or venmo @NicoLebreux. If your class is free to attend, the space is free to use at this time.


This is a super important part of your event because it will entice people to attend and will hold all of the info that they need to know! I highly recommend using to make your flyer. You can search through the templates they have and edit one make it your own, really user friendly. Its free for most features, you can absolutely not pay Canva to make an excellent flyer. (If you are unable to make a flyer for your event, we can make one for you for a $25 fee. Please let Michele know ASAP if you are choosing this option.)

Your flyer needs to have to have these components:

  • IT MUST BE SQUARE! This makes for easy sharing on instagram and the shape that fits on our website.

  • Must include this basic info - name of event, date including day of the week (ie Saturday October 5), time, your name, location (Wild Heart Herb House 777 Shawmut Ave New Bedford), price, how people can sign up

  • Few descriptive sentences - include some information about your event such as details about the topic, what attendees will gain, why you are teaching this, who this class is appropriate for, any other relevant info. You don’t have to include ALL of what I just listed, just a couple of sentences is good, see flyer details below for examples.

  • The more bright, bold (colorful, black + white, monochromatic), and eye catching your flyer is, the more people will see it! Show your personality and vibe with your flyer.

Once your flyer is complete, please email it to We will let you know if any info is missing or of any suggestions we have for changes if necessary.

WE NEED YOUR FLYER AT LEAST 3 WEEKS BEFORE YOUR CLASS! If your class is at the end of the month, even earlier because we promote the next month’s events in the middle of the previous month. For example - all flyers for November classes must be received by mid October.

Some flyer examples: (and you can find more here)


Now that you have the date set, payment system ready to go, and flyer made, its time to let everyone know about your event! On our end we will share on instagram, have your class listed on our website, post a flyer at Wild Heart, and share in our weekly newsletter. While some people that you don’t know from the Wild Heart community will probably sign up, its important to lean into your own connections to get people to attend your event. The more interesting + timely your event is and the more people know you, the more likely they are to sign up.

Some suggestions:

  • Promote your event on social media starting at least 3 weeks before your event. Make posts about your event, make a video talking about your event (this will also allow people to get to know you better.) This isn’t one and done, post at least once a week and then a few times the week of your event. Talk about why you are teaching this class, what attendees will learn, how attending will help them in some way, why you’re passionate about this subject matter, how learning about this subject changed your life, the possibilities are endless, be creative and show your authentic self!

  • Share in your newsletter if you have one, if not email people you know directly who might be interested and invite them to attend.

  • Print and hang physical copies of your flyer around town.

  • Make a facebook event page and invite your community.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your class at Wild Heart for any reason please be in touch asap. No specific guidelines here, we’ll figure it out case by case.

Student Cancellation Policy- Nico’s cancellation policy for her classes is that there are no refunds but they can find someone else to attend the class in their stead or they can take a credit for a future class of mine at Wild Heart. Come up with a policy that works for you, might be similar. Not that you even have to post it in your promo but its helpful just to know for yourself.

Other Logistics

We will be available to let you into the shop and help you get set up 15-30 minutes before your event starts, depending on how much time you need. We will also likely stay for your event and can help out if needed. We can also make herbal tea in our big pot if you like, just let us know. For events that we are unable to attend, we will make sure you get the key and opening/closing instructions before hand. (Someone will definitely be there with you for your first event.)

Please be in touch if you have any other questions or concerns, we are here to help you make your event a success!