Wild Heart Herb House
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the life you dream of living begins with strong roots + a solid foundation.

ready to build one?

In 12 weeks learn how to show up confidently + prioritize what really matters by connecting with, nourishing, and honoring your body, your time, and your resources

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There’s a reason why you don’t plant your herb + vegetable garden in a swamp or in the shade or the sand. It won’t be able to successfully grow there. Those are not the ideal conditions for roots to grow, for seedlings to thrive, for fruit to ripen.

The same goes for your life. If it doesn’t have the proper foundational support, regular maintenance + care, or resources to support it, it simply won’t thrive the way that you want it to.

I know you are trying all the things to live a happy + fulfilling life, attempting to make it work on your own, but you’re just not getting where you want to be.

You’re waiting for a time “someday” when you’re not so busy, or you have more money, or when you feel less stressed, but that time doesn’t seem to be coming any time soon.

Throw in two years of a global pandemic and we’re all completely wiped out.


But it’s not too late! SOMEDAY can be TODAY.


It’s absolutely understandable why you doubt yourself + feel held back. Our culture is not set up for you to thrive, not even close.

  • You feel immense pressure to be “productive” and work all the time, even at the expense of your health, wellbeing, and happiness.

  • You were never shown how to prioritize + schedule your own needs, instead you were taught to make everyone else happy first.

  • Growing up you did not see your self or your body represented in magazines, advertisements, movies, or television.

  • You often worry about what other people think about you because you were shown that their opinions of you were more important than your own.

  • You were not taught by your parents or schools about the multifaceted ways to express your gender identity or love for other humans in non-hetero ways.

  • You’re still just figuring out how to manage your money + the inherent power that comes with it because historically women + non binary folks have not had access to these resources.

  • You were never taught how to invest financially in yourself, plan for the future, or have a reciprocal + sustainable relationship to money.

These problems did not start with you.

They are the result of hundreds of years of oppression towards women, people of color, queer, trans, non-binary, and disabled humans.

They are byproducts of systemic issues that effect us all such as: patriarchy, capitalism, white supremecy, colonialism, cis/hetero normativity, and ableism.

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No wonder why you’re so exhausted all the time!

No wonder why you have a confusing or nonexistent relationship to money + time!

No wonder why you haven’t been able to fully love your body + yourself!

There is almost no way for you to thrive living in these systems!

We have been convinced that everything is our fault when really we are operating inside systems that do not support our best interests.


So what can we do about this?

  • We can observe how these oppressive systems are deeply ingrained within ourselves, our families, and our society + compassionately make the choice to think + act differently.

  • We can take back our time from hustle/busy/productivity culture + lean into rest and self care instead.

  • We can have a loving relationship with our money as a neutral energy that wants to support us.

  • We can love ourselves + our bodies by being unapologeticaly authentic in who we really are and what we look like by welcoming in the joy + pleasure that we all deserve.

  • We can make everyday decisions that lead to more peace, more nourishment, more love, and more support for ourselves, the earth, and eachother.

These are not tasks easily endured alone, but they’re ones we can do together.

You can set the intention, create the space, and take the actions necessary to live more in alignment with your goals + values.

It takes self awareness, curiousity, a little know how, strategies, tools and a supportive community to walk the path with you.

You don’t have to do any of this alone.


“Before working with Nico I felt lost, desperate for a grounding experience, I needed help and support. Now, I feel empowered. I was reminded that I have the strength and resources within and around me to take care of myself and to be the best version of myself. Before I was treading water, but now I feel like I have somewhere to stand." - Corinne, holistic therapist


Radical self care: Time, Money, Body

A 12 week community mentorship program that will forever change how you interact with time, think about money, and experience joy + pleasure in your body.


Here’s what you get in this informative, experiential, and take action program:

  • Twelve 90 minute Weekly Live Gatherings via Zoom (with some weeks off for integration)

  • Online Community Connection Space to interact with everyone in the program

  • Accountability Partner or Pod to inspire you to keep taking action towards your goals

  • Home Practice Assignments to embody your expansion + growth

  • Monthly New Moon Intention Setting Ceremony to connect with natural cosmic cycles

  • Time Tracking Worksheet to find out where exactly your time is going

  • Budgeting + Money Tracking Spreadsheets to get to know + love your money

  • Guided Meditation Video Collection for when you need extra guidance + support

  • Weekly Live Online Gentle Yoga Classes to move your lovely body in ways that feel good

  • Herbalism for Radical Self Care Course to connect with the generous medicine of the earth

  • BONUS! Local in Person Mini-Retreat Summer 2022 (RI/MA) to chill in person!


Nico’s passion and compassion for people, her commitment to community, and to making the world a better place are infectious! She is perceptive and empathetic. One always leaves any of her classes richer in knowledge and awareness. She has taught me how important it is to care for myself, to be present and mindful. Nico has instilled in me a new found love for myself and compassion for those around me, improving my everyday life and relationships. She has changed my life!” -Kathy, nurse, biz owner, mom


Oh hi, I’m Nico! she/they

I am a community herbalist, yoga teacher, meditation guide, radical self care mentor, and earth centered entrepreneur along with being a mom to my 6 year old son Lennox, community member, friend, lover, and recent ex-wife.

I know what it feels like to be depressed, anxious, unmotivated, not sure what to do next. I have been there, time and time again.

  • I spent my teen years feeling like a trapped animal, lashing out, unaware of the societal cage that I was in. Rebelling against everything + everyone.

  • My 20’s were full of self discovery, trying things out, failing and getting back up again. Starting to figure out who I was + what I was here for.

  • And now in my 30’s I have been faced with more challenges than I ever have before. Allowing me to ask the big questions + choose my own answers.

Major life events of the past two years (global pandemic, time in the hospital with my son, getting divorced, selling my home, deaths of loved ones) have made me rethink everything about how I want my life to be and have inspired me to take aligned action towards how I deeply desire to live my life.

It has been a time of radical transformation + deep healing that has ultimately allowed me to confidently love + accept myself exactly how I am without feeling guilt, fear, or shame from other people + the world around me.

I have learned how to deeply connect with, love, and care for my unique radical self through managing my time, improving my relationship with money, and loving my body so all parts of my being can THRIVE.


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Here’s the path of how we’re going to get there ⬇️

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stage 1: expand your time

During the first month of our adventure we will focus on FINDING TIME to do the things that really matter to you like practicing yoga + meditation, art projects, time with your friends + family, finally starting that business.


  • Conduct a time audit to see where your time is currently going + reflect on your observations.

  • Set clear + focused intentions and boundaries of how you are going to spend your time and who you are going to spend it with.

  • Prioritize the things that are absolutely necessary AND the things that are aligned with your intentions.

  • Practice taking action by implementing your new schedule, being patient and kind with yourself as you experiment, observe, and refine.

  • Create rhythms, rituals, and routines that support you + your new relationship with time.

The second month of our time together, you will dedicate some of your new found time to CARING FOR YOUR MIND, BODY, EMOTIONS, and SPIRIT.


  • Conduct a pleasure + energy study to identify what is uplifting + expanding you, when you feel most like yourself, and what is draining you too

  • Focus on caring for your nervous system as an extremely important interface that allows you to experience + interact with the world + people in your life

  • Honor natural cycles that are happening within + around you including your menstruation, the moon, and the seasons.

  • Explore all of the ways you can experience joy + pleasure in your unique body no matter what you look like.

  • Begin to more fully step into your authentic self, find spaces + relationships where you can be yourself, become more confident + empowered!

  • Prioritize rest + self care as your pathway to liberation.


stage 2: love your body

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stage 3:

grow your money

Finally, during the third month of working together you will FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON YOUR MONEY. Examine the way you interact with it, what you think about it, and how you handle it day to day.


  • Reflect on your familial + cultural money stories and begin to unravel your conditioning.

  • Decide on your own personal money values so you can make informed + aligned decisions when it comes to making, spending, and saving money.

  • Track your money coming in + out so you have accurate data on your money instead of relying on how you feel about it.

  • Set long term personal money goals including paying down debt, saving for emergencies (or trips!), retirement, and investing to build wealth.

  • Create a loving + compassionate relationship to money so you don’t have to stress about it, hate it, or ignore it any longer!

This program will hold the space for and provide the tools + techniques necessary for you to create a deeply rooted foundation from which you can bloom into whoever you dream of becoming.

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The value of this life changing program is priceless BUT I’ve broken it down for you:

  • Twelve 90 minute Weekly Live Gatherings via Zoom / valued at $1800

  • Online Community Connection Space to interact with everyone in the program / valued at $250

  • Accountability Partner or Pod to inspire you to keep taking action towards your goals / valued at, well priceless

  • Home Practice Assignments / valued at $800

  • Monthly New Moon Intention Setting Ceremony to connect with natural cosmic cycles / valued at $200

  • Time Tracking Worksheet to find out where exactly your time is going / valued at $100

  • Budgeting + Money Tracking Spreadsheets to get to know + love your money / valued at $250

  • Guided Meditation Video Collection for when you need extra guidance + support / valued at $200

  • Weekly Live Online Gentle Yoga Class + Library to move your beautiful body in ways that feel good / valued at $300

  • Herbalism for Radical Self Care Course to connect with the generous medicine of the earth / valued at $500

  • BONUS! Local in Person Mini-Retreat Summer 2022 (RI/MA) to chill in person! / valued at $250

Total Value for this program is almost $5000!

But that is not what you are going to pay when you join the inaugural live round of this life changing community mentorship program!

For you, everything listed above is $1185 and YOU get to choose your payment plan!


All plans include the exact same content and are exactly the same amount of money, you just have the option to choose which one works best for you!

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you might be wondering…

When are the live classes?

  • Live call day + time will be determined by when the majority of students and myself are available, most likely Tue/Wed midday or Wed/Thur evening.

Are the live classes recorded?

  • Yes! And they will be uploaded to our course portal within 24 hours.

When will this program begin?

  • We will start the week of April 13.

How much time should I expect to spend on this program each week ?

  • Each live class will be 1.5 hours and if you can dedicate another 1-2 hours to homework and implementation, you’re golden. Don’t have 3-4 hours a week for this? Don’t worry, finding the time is the first thing we are going to do in Stage 1!

Am I going to make my money back from what I learn in this program?

  • While I can’t answer this question for sure, what you will learn about spending money in alignment with your values, budgeting your income + spending, saving for retirement, and investing to build wealth you are most likely in the long run going to make / save / compound well over $1185.

Can I cancel and/or get a refund?

  • I sincerely hope that when you sign up you are committed to the full endeavor of the program. However, if you are completely unsatisfied with the program within the first 2 weeks of live classes, I will refund any amount you have paid minus $197 and you will no longer have access to any part of the live program + pre-recorded content.

 What my students + community have to say about working with me: