Get Away for Personal Growth
Getting away, stepping outside of my comfort zone is something that I rely on for personal growth. I feel so rejuvenated, uplifted, and inspired from my time far from home.
When you’re doing the work that you’re meant to do, IT DOESN’T FEEL LIKE WORK! It just feels good! You’re in the flow instead of fighting against it, allowing people and ideas and opportunities to swirl around you, ripe for co-creation!
A decade ago when I began to take my yoga practice seriously, I would’ve never believed that I was going to be a yoga teacher. Three years ago when I was in a pit of postpartum despair I didn’t believe that I was ever going to be myself again. A year and a half ago when I was still dreaming small, I didn’t think that I could lead launch a successful online course, guide a growing virtual community, or lead transformational international yoga and adventure retreats. Yet here we are!
If you’re not living a life that brings you peace, happiness, and joy, then what are you doing?!